People Centred Excellence Becomes First in Europe to Achieve Dual Kata and Lean Competency Accreditation
We’re thrilled to announce that People Centred Excellence has become the first training provider in Europe to achieve dual accreditation for both Kata Competency and Lean Competency.
Comparing PDCA and Toyota’s Scientific Method
Its Stuart here from People Centred Excellence. On a recent Lean Academy I was delivering, delegates had been reading the excellent Learning to lead at Toyota, a Harvard Business Review article from 2004, written by Steven J Spear.
Announcing the Launch of the Advanced Lean Coach Training Programme
People Centred Excellence today announced the launch of its Advanced Lean Coach Training programme. The Advanced Lean Coach course is tailored specifically for lean and CI professionals looking to take their skillset to be operational at a truly strategic level in organisations and offers a way for those already qualified to LCS Level 1c – or those with significant prior experience – to gain LCS Level 2a, the next step up on the Lean Competency framework.
The Power of Leading with Questions
Hello everyone, Mike here from People Centred Excellence. I hope everyone is keeping well in these unprecedented times.
Wanted. Leader’s Humble Enough to Learn. Come and Join Our Book Club.
Have you read Katie Anderson’s new book, ‘Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn’ yet? If you have – or at least started it – you will know what a profoundly interesting and exciting addition it is to Business Improvement literature. If you haven’t bought it yet, you must. Seriously.
Creating Time to Lead
Imagine the scene, you’re on your daily commute to work, you have a list of things that you plan to do today. All prepared, calm and relishing the day ahead.