
The 2-Minute Coach


Lean resources

  • ELEC Presentation

    Why Becoming a ‘Learning Organisation’ is Vital to a Successful Lean Transformation.

  • ELEC Paper – The Problem with Tools & Techniques

    This paper explores underlying reasons why, after many decades of attempted lean improvement programmes, so few organisations have managed to reach the levels of success exhibited by Toyota.

  • How to Run a Lean Coffee Session

    When your team needs to catch up, to bundle several topics together, discover new ideas and share updates, the Lean Coffee format provides your meeting with the right balance of structure and freedom. We think it’s a great way to engage your team members because it’s productive and fun.

  • 4C: Rapid Problem Solving for Minor Issues

    This template, and supporting information, provide front-line leaders with a structured approach to capturing, tracking and dealing with simple, minor problems and improvements, which can be tracked within the shift through regular huddles with their team members.

  • Leading with Questions Guide

    In this brief summary document, People Centred Excellence’s expert leadership coach, Mike Denison, describes the five levels and types of questions. He describes how leaders can develop their own skills, and those of others, in asking great questions that help further the understanding of a problem, promote challenge and growth in individuals, and facilitate breakthrough and paradigm-shifting thinking.

Reading list

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